Flood Plains and Soil Composition of the Everglades

(Web Soil Survey)
The map above shows a targeted section of the Everglades on the outskirts of the city of Miami. The majority of the land here has yet to be analyzed, however, the orange section that has been analyzed is mostly rock outcrops in marshland, with very little salinity and poor drainage. I chose this section to see whether being close to Miami would have a negative impact on this section of the Everglades.

Overall, it seems like the toxins of the city are not causing drastic environmental deficiencies, as only a small percentage (0.3%) has high pesticide runoff potential. All of the soil is listed in a capability class that bans cultivation due to conservation purposes. This does not include the potential risk for the spread of invasive species however, which stem from urbanized areas.

Historically (left), the floodplain of the Everglades was much more expansive. As previously discussed, however, the flow of water has been severely limited by dikes, levees, and dams (centre image). Current restoration projects aim to restore the flow, so that water may reach South Florida in greater amounts.


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